Call Us (716) 228-2294

About NED

Incredible Solar Technology Solutions, Support And Service.

Welcome to National Energy Development

National Energy Development (NED) is a New York based distributed generation energy development company specializing in Community Solar facilities and renewable energy solutions for residential, small commercial, and municipal customers.

Our project solutions are easy to implement.  We manage the development process, working on behalf of all the stakeholders: land and business owners, local authorities, engineers, vendors, contractors, and financiers throughout the origination, design, permitting, and construction process.

We create distributed renewable energy projects where everyone can be proud to participate and help create a better future for our children and out planet.

Our people are among the best in the business

NED provides the expert knowledge of complex and ever-changing solar options, so we can help design and scale an end-to-end system that matches your needs and your budget. We bring it all together for you, efficiently and affordably, creating create custom, cost-effective solutions that generate a measurable return on your investment.

  • Over 70 mw's currently being developed
  • Work with land and business owners, engineers, utilities, and community officials to make the most successful project possible
  • Solar and Renewable Energy Policy Experts
  • Access to Capital Investment Funds
  • Effective Deal Structures

NED's Executive Team

Paul Vargovich, Partner |

Jim Bodecker, Partner |

Experienced, yet evolved

The management team at NED has more than 50 years of renewable energy experience. In a fast-paced industry with only one constant — change — we provide the latest and greatest solar technology solutions by taking the time to get to know our customers and vendors, working together with them and driving and celebrating their success. Our business model has always been and always will be consultative and collaborative — we never oversell.

Request a quote
or contact us for
more information.

Areas of Interest (check all that apply)

Corporate Office:

166 Taylor Drive
Buffalo, NY 14043
(716) 228-2294

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